Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Making a name...

I'm now deep in the throws of building a website and online store to sell my crafty goods! It is VERY much in the preliminary stages, so I won't release the web address yet, but it is so exciting! So far I've set it up for free, though I do plan on paying for the hosting service soon to get my own unique domain name and to remove ads from the website. Also, with the free service you are limited to 5 items in the online store, and that just simply won't do! (Even though right now I only have 4 items... LOL!) Once I start paying for it, I'll be able to have 30 items, so clearly I've got my work cut out for me to fill those spots! So far I'm focusing on these super cute baby and toddler hats, they are fast to make and the materials are inexpensive. I do also plan on making some pressed flower note cards with the paper I made left over from the books I made two Christmases ago, and hopefully I'll come up with other fun gifty items adults will appreciate (not to say adults don't appreciate cute baby hats, but usually the adults who do appreciate them are the moms of the babies they want the hats for...) ;) (Now how's that for a run-on sentance ending with a preposition?) So far the website is designed with a pre-designed template, though I have replaced the generic photo logo with my own, if not temporary, logo. I'd like to eventually learn html and css so that I could design my own site from scratch, but for now I am actually really liking the predesigned site, and with a little tweaking it has become my own!

And as a teaser preview, here are a couple of the items I have already added to the inventory... Drool away!

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