Tuesday, September 15, 2009

madeinthemountains.net is mine!

Well, I am the proud new owner of madeinthemountains.net... Sadly, not .com, as someone owns that already, even though there is nothing at madeinthemountains.com... Apparently if you own a domain name, you are in a publicly searchable database (unless you pay extra for privacy protection), so I was actually able to find the owner's email address and send her a hopefully not too spamylooking email asking if she would be willing to transfer the domain name to me, or if she plans on renewing it when it expires next June... I'm hoping I'll get it someday... but for now, I own www.madeinthemountains.net, though it's not up and running yet so don't go sneaking around trying to take a preemptive peek! I only purchased the domain, I haven't paid for hosting yet, so on the mockup site there are still annoying ads, but soon... Once the store is ready to go then I'll bite the bullet and get it up and running for reals. Until then, I'm sitting on my hands!

1 comment:

  1. I just googled it and this blog came up. How cool is that. I can't wait to see your website. Get going lady!
