Monday, February 16, 2009

What I'm working on now

Right now I'm working on a new knitting project- the Central Park Hoodie (I guess it's a popular one in the knitting world!). It's a cableknit hoodie, and I'm knitting it in a beautiful and soft alpaca blend wool in a deep merlot shade (it's almost black looking, but in the sunlight glints with flecks of red and blue, it's really beautiful yarn). I'm about eight inches into the back piece (it's a button-up hoodie), and it's coming along nicely! The 4 inches of ribbing on the hem took forever it seemed, but the main pattern is going quickly (on size 8 Addi Turbo needles, I'm using circular needles even though it's not knit in the round, I just like the needles so much and the straight Addi Turbos are pretty pricey and my local knitting store doesn't carry the straights, just the circulars). I'm excited about it, it's going to be soft and pretty and cozy, and lightweight enough to be worn on our cool summer evenings (cause at this rate that's probably when I'll have it finished by) (I hope!) but warm enough to be cozy in the winter. Plus it's a color that I don't really have anything of in my closet, but I love the color, so it's best of all worlds! The pattern looks like it gets a bit complicated when it gets to the hood and the ribbed trim on the buttonfront edges, so I have a feeling I'll be making a visit to Yarn for some help, but I'm game for the challenge! Here's the first 8 inches (this photo does not do the yarn justice)

And a little pat on my own back for figuring out how to make text into links ;)

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